1. Names (list all past and current aliases)? bob,[vL.Bob]
2. Age?19
3. State/city (Rough location)?melbourne
4. Were you referred by someone in x2, if so who was it?no
5. How long have you played UrT for? 2years
6. How often do you play UrT?everday
7. previous (or current) clans? vL,Twi.l.
8. Why do you want to join x2| ? Because i think im good for the clan and im really good
9. Preferred gear setup? Lr300 ,Sr8,M4a1,G36,beretta
10. Any particular specialties (strengths/weaknesses)? nope
11. What servers do you usually play on? 3n3mygaming Aussiegameserver
12. Which gametype do you play most? both
13. Any demos of yourself in game (please link them)?nope
14. Microphone setup? nope
15. Msn Address?m.marccc@hotmail.com
16. X-fire username? bobby
17. Other relevant info?nope